
Monday, January 21, 2013

You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective.

Perspective. Point-of-view. The other side. Point-of-view is an Essential trait for any writer. New and old must master the content required in achieving an alternate perspective. the biggest reason why? Unless you're writing a story about yourself in first person, you'll be in the minds of others.

So you have to consider, what is the person in your story thinking? Have you taken into account the extremities of their situation? All too often, Writers (both new and experienced) write their characters into doing a stupidly brave thing. It depresses from the story, and it puts you into a situation where your characters are extremely powerful.

For example, If you have a character that has arachnophobia and he overcomes his fear and kills some giant spider, when does he come up with the bravery to do so? He doesn't get it overnight in a random surge of adrenaline: He will freeze up until something happens where his fear is less motivating then his desire to help ___.

Lets use an example from the master, J.R.R. tolkien: Sam doesnt help Frodo kill Shelob until AFTER frodo had been caught. He was still horrified, but he didnt charge out to protect Frodo before, because he was too afraid.

Use caution in your writing, so that your characters deranged acts of bravery make sense. Take into perspective what THEY'RE thinking, not what you think they're thinking. One of the hardest, and best things to do? The age-old question- Why are women/men so cray zee?

Thats your prompt. Pick up Aphrodite's mirror (men) or Ares' shield and spear (women) Show us what its like to be the opposite gender

Writing prompt: Write from the perspective of someone the opposite gender. Be careful of stereotypes!

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