
Friday, January 18, 2013

What to write?

Often times, you can have a hard time deciding what to write. Why not start with the basics? It's been done a million times before, a million different ways, and a million different memories. So why not use it? That's right, I'm sure you guys have it all figured out by now. We're going to write the bedtime story!

Dragons, knights, damsels in distress. Evil guarding a trove of knowledge, and a very *words catch in throat* woman at the end of the quest. We've all heard this story somewhere, yet it tends to slip away, and it's one of the easiest things to write. There is no difficult plot line, everything is simple and potent. 

Protagonist- A knight in shining armor.
Antagonist- An evil, treasure holding dragon.
Motive- one beautiful princess.

Those are the basic elements of a plot line. You don't *need* anything more then that. 
This post is a bit short, but there you have it
Go write!

Writing prompt: Write about a knight in shining armor, saving the damsel in distress.
Challenge: Make it different with a small twist.


  1. I'm surprised by your knowledge; It usually takes writers years of practice and many writer's conferences to become an adequate author. I am very impressed. I hope you post some of you own stories! I'd be interested to see how you use this knowledge.


    A xx

  2. The difficult thing about writing is that I find it hard to keep writing, I find that I really dont like where the story is going around three quesrters of the way in so I just stop. This is usually caused by my lack of intrest in the subject, or I find that my writing is a really typical sterotype.

    1. A great point to bring up Arryn, Let me just start out by saying the best thing you can do when you're writing is be sure the pre-writing stage is thoroughly thought out, unless of course you're doing some sort of prompt or exercise where the goal is simply to write. Don't be worried about stereotypes- Every single story is the same, and every story has been done before. The best way to make something different is not by changing the form but rather changing the rules to form something different, but still based off of the same idea.
      If you're having trouble with your writing, try working on finishing what you want to write. As daunting as it is, It's sometimes better to rewrite a whole 10,000 words because it causes a loophole in the story. Notice however- I said rewrite, not delete. Copy over your material to a different document. You never know just what you might find?

      -The F.A.W.X.E.
